Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Avonlea's Check-Up

Avonlea went to her well baby check-up at Kaiser today. Birth stats were 6.84 lbs., 19 1/4 inches. Today she weighed exactly 8 lbs. and in now 21 inches! All that in just 3 weeks and two days! Good job, Tiny!

Limbering up
Prima Ballerina

After a long hard day of sleep, it's good to kick back and sleep...

I LOVE this! Same size as the keyboard...


Andrew and Lauren said...

She looks great, and fun comparison with the keyboard. I often feel like kicking back after a long day of doing nothing too. And once we move, I intend to do that again too ;)

Lady Meta said...

Awww!! So precious and lovely!!! Thanks for posting these, Avonlea is such a cutie!! <3